XR SRP: The Scene View flickers when hovering over it with the cursorīurst: Added a Burst AOT setting for the kind of debug information generated for player builds.īurst: Added a toggle for filtering out ".Generated" jobs from the Burst Inspector target job list.īurst: Added selection of line and highlight of selected line and selected lines register usage.īurst: Added SIMD smell test to the Burst Inspector, highlighting ARM or x86-64 SIMD instruction differently depending on whether they work for packed or scalar inputs.īurst: FunctionPointer()::Invoke usage is now checked and patched to ensure the calling convention is compatible with burst. Web Platform: "wasm-ld.exe" is not terminated when canceling a WebGL Build during the "Linking build.js (wasm)" phase Visual Effects: SDF Baking causes memory to be allocated that isn't deallocated when in Play Mode and in Builds

Universal RP: Flickering orbs appear when using RenderTargetHandle UI Toolkit Framework: Cannot change scripts in Inspector window when in Debug mode UI Toolkit Controls: Last ListView element size is calculated incorrectly when creating it through a script UI Toolkit Controls: Element UI disappears and NullReferenceException is thrown when dragging off the last or first element from the list in the Inspector

Shader System: Crash during project build when accessing Remote Shader Cache RP Foundation: Crash on ScriptableRenderLoopJob when machine is left idle while the Editor is in Play mode Metal: Unable to maintain 120fps consistently in a near-empty scene on iPhone 13 Pro Inspector Framework: Editor freezes when selecting multiple assets with different Scripted Importers FrameDebugger: Frame Debugger VRAM memory leak