The metal brackets used to support joists are called _. True Wood decks on roofs ma do all of the following EXCEPT Protect the roof from condensation damage. Beams should be mechanically fastened to the supporting members. 3,000 psi What is the requirement for beam and bearing on masonry? 3 inches How might paint indicate that a beam has slipped out of its pocket? If the beam has been painted and there are unpainted parts visible at the support, this may indicate movement of the beam. True The minimum required compressive strength for concrete used in a garage floor slab in a moderate weathering potential zone is _ psi. True Garage floors surfaces shall be of approved noncombustible material.

True Ramps shall have a maximum slope of 1 unit vertical in 12 units horizontal. False Trusses shall be braced to prevent rotation and provide lateral stability in accordance with the requirements specified in the construction documents for the building and on the individual truss design drawings. True Which structure detail will facilitate interior remodeling involving partition changes? Roof trusses Truss members and components can be cut, notched, spliced or otherwise altered in any way without the approval of a registered design professional. True Rafters shall be framed to ridge board or each other with gusset plate as a tie.

The ends of each rafter shall have not less than 1 1/2 inches of bearing on wood or metal and not less than 3 inches on masonry or concrete.